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Q: I'm the business manager / science coordinator and I need to book a couple of my staff into a SASTA event – why can’t I do that? 

A: Each person has an individual user account on the SASTA website for a reason – we like to know people’s individual dietary requirements and contact details so that we can accommodate for their needs and contact them directly after the workshop / conference with an electronic evaluation and their certificate of attendance. Also, that person can then use their online user account as a record of SASTA events they may have attended over the years for their TRB registration.

We therefore highly recommend that each staff member book themselves into our events – it certainly saves you running around after them!    

Q: I attended an event recently and I haven't received my certificate of attendance. When can I expect to receive it?  

A: The process for evaluation and certificates is that you will receive a link to the online evaluation form via email on the day you attended the event (if not that day, not long afterwards). Then, a week or so later, you will receive a reminder email to please complete the evaluation if you haven't already and attached to that email will be your certificate of attendance. If you haven't received any emails from SASTA in the week after having attended a SASTA event, please check your junk mail and clutter folders before contacting SASTA staff. 

Q: Bob Smith (*example only!) has been at our school for years and years – why is it showing only Non-Member pricing when he’s trying to book for an event?  

A: There are two reasons this may be occurring: a) Bob is not listed under your school membership on the SASTA website*; or b) your school membership is not financial for the current year.

*Please refer to the Membership FAQ page for instructions on how to get Bob added to your school membership list.

Q: I'm registering online and the page is asking for a Promo Code. What is this and how do I get one? Can I proceed without one?

A: Please ignore this - there are no Promo Codes. The field asking for a code is not a required field and as such, you can proceed with the registration process without entering a Promo Code.

Q: How can I use my Professional Learning credit (a members'* only perk!)?

If you have a Professional Learning credit remaining, all you need to do is go through the booking process as per usual, and when you have completed the first page, a pop up will appear once you have clicked on the "submit" button at the bottom of the page.

The pop up will ask if you wish to use one of your Professional Learning credits to pay for this workshop. You simply need to select yes, and not only will your booking be completed, but it will be free of charge!

*NB: Professional Learning credits are only available to members who join between 1st November and 30th June.  

Q: My school is going to pay for me to attend an upcoming SASTA workshop / event – is there a way to get invoiced for this so I don’t have to use my personal credit card?  

A: Of course! All you need to do is proceed with the event booking process, and when you arrive at the Choose Payment Method screen, simply select the “Bank Transfer” option and complete the registration process. Very soon after having completed the registration, you should receive a couple of emails in your email inbox. One of these emails will be a booking confirmation email and another should be an email with a PDF invoice attached. Simply forward this email on to your school finance department for prompt payment.

If you haven’t received any emails within 15 minutes of having completed the booking process, please contact SASTA staff who can resend the booking email and the invoice for you (please note that we are open from Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, so replies to emails sent outside these times will be sent when the office reopens).

Q: I booked myself in for an upcoming event at non-member pricing but my coordinator has since added me to the school membership. Can you please change my booking and invoice and then send me a new one at the lower price?  

A: Unfortunately, this is not possible. In order for you to be charged at the corporate member rate, SASTA staff will need to delete your booking and associated invoice at the non-member rate. Then, you will need to book yourself in again, at which point our system will send you a new invoice at the lower price (providing, of course, that you have selected the “Bank Transfer” option during the payment process).

Q: I'm registered for an upcoming event but I'm no longer able to attend. What do I need to do?

A: The first thing you need to do is notify SASTA in writing (via email is fine) that you are no longer able to attend. Depending up on when you let us know, you may need to pay an admin / cancellation fee. Please see below for further information. NB: When registering for SASTA Professional Learning events, you are required to tick the "I agree to the Terms and Conditions" box prior to completing your registration.

Professional Development Cancellation policy: 

Notice of cancellation received more than 48 hours before the event will incur a standard $50 administration processing fee, any registration fees received in addition to this amount will be refunded. For cancellation notice received less than 48 hours before the event, registration fees unfortunately cannot be refunded. 

Q: I registered for an event but I'm not well / something's come up and I cannot attend. What do I do?

(NB: this is for people who discover they are not able to attend on the day of the event)

A: We're sorry to hear you're not well / something's come up. Please email the SASTA team on to inform them that you are no longer able to attend. Unfortunately, if your attendance has already been paid for, we are unable to refund the fees. If your attendance at this event has not yet been paid, we regret to advise that you will still be required to pay for your place, as per the Cancellation Policy listed above and on the Professional learning page.

Q: I have dietary requirements, how can I ensure they are catered for?

A: The events team is well aware that some of our attendees have dietary requirements, but we need to know exactly what they are in order to properly cater for your needs.

Please be sure to correctly indicate your needs during the registration process.

Q: I'm booked into an upcoming workshop, but I can't remember what time it will run or where I need to go. Where can I find this information?

A: You can log into to your SASTA online account to access this information.

If you're a member: once logged in, click on the Members' Area button at the top right hand side of the screen. Then, scroll down to the Upcoming Bookings section, then click "VIEW ALL BOOKINGS". On the next screen, select the grey BOOKING DETAILS button to view the date, location and time of the event.

If you're not a member: once logged in, click on the Members' Area button at the top right hand side of the screen. Your bookings should appear on the next page, however, if they do not, select My Event Bookings from the menu that runs down the right hand side of the page (The "view all bookings" link will take you to this same page). On the next screen, select the grey BOOKING DETAILS button to view the date, location and time of the event. 

All attendees will also receive a pre-event reminder email seven days before the event (or when registering, if you register less than seven days before the event) which will detail the location and time of the event for which you have booked.

Q: I accidentally booked myself in for the wrong workshop. What should I do?

A: Firstly, book yourself in for the correct workshop before notifying the SASTA team during business hours. Bookings and any fees paid / invoices cannot be transferred, so the team will need to erase the incorrect booking in its entirety (along with the associated invoice) and you will need to start the booking process again as mentioned at the start of this paragraph. Please note that if you have paid for the incorrect workshop, you will of course be refunded. We understand that errors can occur, however we encourage you to choose carefully when booking for any of our workshops.

NB: the "Book Now" button for each event can be found underneath and to the right of screen for each listed event.

If your question has not been answered above, please email the team on