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Copyright Policy
SASTA is a not for profit association whose income is heavily reliant on the sale of teacher resources. Infringement of copyright, such as photocopying of Workbooks and providing whole or part (individual chapters) of our resources to students is not only a copyright infringement, for which the school is liable, but it also harms SASTA's ability to sustain an income. Our publications are copyrighted. This means that schools/teachers are not allowed to print and disseminate the work in any form without our permission.
The rights are granted exclusively to the copyright owner to reproduce (copy, scan, print) and communicate (email, put on Internet) the material, and for some material, the right to perform or show the work to the public.
This Copyright is important because it gives us as a not for profit organisation and our authors control over our creative works. This gives us the ability to earn a living from these works and/or to control how the works are used or disseminated.
It is an infringement of copyright to authorise a copyright infringement made by someone else. This means that schools and TAFE institutes (and possibly Education Departments, Catholic Education Offices or Associations of Independent Schools) could sometimes be liable for copyright infringements done by students/teachers.
For further information please refer to this website: https://www.smartcopying.edu.au/copyright-guidelines/copyright---a-general-overview