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Member Services & Inclusions

SASTA membership lasts from 1st January to 31st December annually.

If you have not renewed your membership by 31 December, your membership will expire; however, you can rejoin at any time. Simply login, head to the members' dashboard, then click Renew Membership.

Membership services include: 

  • Access to one free professional learning event per year for Personal memberships and two free events for Corporate memberships (excluding the Annual Conference)*
  • SASTA merchandise sent upon joining / renewing
  • Discounts to all SASTA Professional Learning and CONASTA (the national science teachers conference) - discount percentage dependent on membership type
  • Discounted entry fees for the Oliphant Science Awards
  • Recognition of teacher excellence through the SASTA Medal and SASTA Outstanding Teacher Awards
  • Monthly e-news
  • Member update e-news (one per term)
  • Four editions of the SASTA newsletter (hard copy)
  • Two editions of the SASTA Journal (hard copy - additional subscription of $33/year)
  • Four editions of the ASTA Teaching Science Journal (electronic)
  • Webinar series (one per term)
  • Access to Members Dashboard on the SASTA website including
    • Member offers & competitions
    • Member resources, blog posts & past Conference presentations
    • Job Board
    • SASTA community forum
    • Access to your registered events, recent purchases, workshop submissions
  • Access to electronic versions of the SASTA Journal (two editions per year plus past editions)
  • Personalised emails based on your teaching interests, position or career stage
  • FREE member only excursions, workshops and social events
  • Ability to apply to be a Science Active School
  • Prize giveaways
  • Mentoring opportunities

View our full member services matrix here

*Only applicable if you have joined/renewed by 30 June.

As a SASTA member, you are automatically a member of the Australian Science Teacher’s Association (ASTA), giving you priority access to:

  • National Science Projects and Teacher Awards
  • Professional standards for educators of science
  • Networking nationally and internationally