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Posted by SASTA

on 19/08/2024

Jarrod Johnson

School / Organisation: Pulteney Grammar School 

Current role: Science and Technologies teacher, Learning Designer 

What inspired you to become a science teacher? I love Science, talking to people and passing on what I know and my passion for Science to others. It seemed the logical progression to become a Science Teacher. I also love creating interactive learning opportunities.

How many years have you been teaching? 19 years

Why did you join the SASTA Board? I joined the board to reconnect to the Science community and to give back to the team. 

Are there any other committees / organisations you are involved with? UniSA C3L, Google Educators Group, AI for Education 

If you could travel back in time and attend any scientific discovery or experiment in history, which one would it be, and why? I would like to be there when Galileo looked through his telescope and saw the moons of Jupiter for the first time. Even today with a simple telescope looking at the moon as a solid ball, or the tiny dots of light in a perfect line around the circular disc of Jupiter is amazing. I can imagine that it would have been an amazing moment. More recently would be when the Hubble Ultra-deep field photo was developed showing 10,000 galaxies in a tiny sliver of black space. It makes us feel so small and recognise how big the universe is.

If you were to sum up your teaching philosophy in one sentence, what would it be? “All students should be challenged, but not frustrated; we need to create learning opportunities for them to stretch their boundaries.” Jarrod Johnson