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Posted by SASTA

on 22/04/2024

Years awarded: 2024 & 2025

What Makes Trinity Gardens School a Science Active School?

  • SASTA Corporate membership
  • Participate in the Oliphant Science Awards
  • Had a submission printed in the SASTA blog




Hear from Jean-Luc, Science Teacher, about what it means to Trinity Gardens School to be a Science Active School

We are quite proud and extremely grateful to have been selected. 

Personally, I have only been at TGS since 2023 and was pleasantly surprised at how engaged and passionate the students are in their science learning. Having previously been involved in primary science teaching and the Oliphant Science Awards at other sites, I took the opportunity to introduce TGS to the OSAs and was met with many eager young minds wanting to participate. We had 11 entries across varying categories in 2023, and this year we hope to increase our numbers and get even more students involved. 



Trinity Gardens School redeveloped their biodiversity area, including a new frog pond, planting of native plants to attract birds, butterflies and bees.The science classes utilise this space and students have built insect hotels and frog houses to encourage frogs and insects to visit the area.


In 2022, Trinity Gardens competed in The International SpaceCRAFT Exploration Challenge. Year 5 and 6 students competed in the elementary division against teams from the United Kingdom, Mexico, Singapore, Thailand, Ireland, Bangladesh, Norway Albania, Texas, Canada and other parts of Australia. The program provides an engaging range of STEM topics to students and inspires young minds through the wonder and excitement of Space Exploration.



Do you think your school has what it takes to be a Science Active School? Apply here!