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Posted by SASTA

on 18/03/2024

Years awarded: 2024 & 2025

What Makes Australian Science and Mathematics School a Science Active School?

  • Currently hold a SASTA Corporate membership
  • Have a personal member on staff
  • Staff member attendance at the SASTA annual conference and workshops
  • Staff member presented at SASTA conferences and workshop
  • Participate in the Oliphant Science Awards 

Lara Lang, Director of learning at ASMS, shares what it means to be a Science Active School, as well as some of the programs they are currently engaging in. 

The Australian Science and Mathematics School (ASMS) was established 20 years ago with the aim to inspire a passion for science and mathematics. It is an innovative, specialist Government school for students in years 10 to 12. We believe that by tackling challenging, interconnected real world problems, our students are more engaged in their learning and better prepared for their future. By applying science and mathematics in a real world context, our lessons have relevance and meaning. Our students don’t just remember what they learn, they understand. Being a Science Active School is part of what ASMS is everyday.

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International Science Fair (ISF)

Since 2004, the ASMS has hosted an annual International Science Fair (ISF). This exciting event welcomes guests from around the world, Australia and South Australia, and is a week of exploration, collaboration, and hands-on challenge based learning of real world issues in science.  In 2024, our theme is Engineering a Future, investigating the impact science will have in our future. 

Interdisciplinary science: the Central Studies

In Year 10 and 11, learning is based on a series of unique, interdisciplinary courses called Central Studies. Each Central Study features a core theme, weaving multiple subjects together to bring the theme to life, including English, Mathematics, Science, History, and Health & PE.

For example, in Communication Systems, the theme is ‘sending and receiving information’. We cover the English curriculum through a study of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, where information is transmitted via the script of the play. We cover Mathematics through a study of linear equations, where the information communicated is used to storm the castle and capture Macbeth from the Great Hall. We cover Science through a study of neural biochemistry, where messages of elation, fear, anxiety, and joy are transmitted through the characters in the play.

CentralStudies ASMS

Professional Learning: Primary Science

The ASMS supports public schools and their teachers of maths, science and technology across the state in professional learning. For example, we offer:

  • Primary Science workshops aimed at primary school teachers of science who want to build their confidence, skills and practical repertoire.
  • Interdisciplinary planning sessions aimed at secondary school teams who want to design engaging learning for their students.
  • Personalised mentoring, resource sharing, moderation and support in SACE subjects for teachers who might be the only teacher of that subject in their school.
  • Custom professional learning delivered at school sites, co-designed with the school, and tours of ASMS to see how the interdisciplinary, self-directed learning occurs in reality.

Do you think your school has what it takes to be a Science Active School? Apply here!