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Posted by SASTA

on 11/11/2022

The University of Adelaide would like to invite you and your students to participate in the innovative Energy, Mining and Resources School Outreach Program (EMRSO). 

The EMRSO program offers a suite of interactive, curriculum-aligned workshops for Years 7-12 students delivered both at your school and on our campus. Additionally, the program will offer Year 12 student networking opportunities with industry as well as spark student interest in making the resources sector more sustainable and the global impacts they can make on an individual level. 

In 2023 we are also bringing you two exciting immersive, on-campus experiences to give students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the sector. Register your interest via the links below: 

Year 11 & 12 – Wednesday 22nd of March 2023 (Term 1 Week 8) - Register your interest here

Year 9 & 10 – Wednesday 27th of September 2023 (Term 3 Week 10) - register your interest here

Facilitated by Phoebe Chilman, a graduate Chemical Engineer from the University of Adelaide with a specialisation in Sustainable Energy, Phoebe is passionate about our society’s transition to decarbonisation and the role Australia’s energy, mining and resources sectors are playing. 

The industry underpins all areas of our modern life; our smartphones, our homes, means of transport, and even down to our health care provisions. In order to sustain our way of life in addition to meeting global energy demands in line with renewable energy targets, critical minerals and transformative energy technologies will be required at an unprecedented scale. To improve safety, efficiency and productivity, Australia’s energy and resources sector is also undergoing significant digital transformation. Drones, virtual and augmented reality, autonomous systems, big data and off-Earth exploration require a workforce equipped with a new skillset. The future of this sector is changing rapidly, offering a range of exciting careers for young South Australian students with a demand that has never been greater. 

For more information about the EMRSO program and book an activity click here