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Posted by SASTA

on 06/07/2022

Our planet is the place we call home. It provides us with everything we could ever need and has been doing so since the beginning of life on Earth. We also know the Earth is in trouble. We are only now realising the cost to the Earth when we fulfill our every wish and desire. However, it is not too late to take action and save our home. Sustainability thinks not just about what we need now to survive but what future generations will need to survive. Like everything, sustainability must be learnt and practiced in order to be successful. Stage 1 Earth and Environmental Science provides students with the knowledge and skills required to build a sustainable future for themselves. Geoscience Pathways Project understands that this opportunity should be offered to all students in all schools and are willing to provide extensive free resources and support to make this happen. To learn how to offer this subject at your school, please contact Kelly Sharrad at

11 EES Student Promotion