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Posted by SASTA

on 10/09/2021

We took a break from our usual Science learning and focused on the Food Technologies standards for Science Week. The theme Food: Different by Design was perfect!

All classes produced pages that will go into a big book about food—from paddock to plate, tools we use for harvesting, the needs of animals and plants that help them produce the things we need from them and traditional food preparation methods compared to the way we make food now.

We made fruit skewers and traffic light sandwiches to show that eating healthily doesn’t have to be ‘just a piece of fruit’ or a ‘salad sandwich’.

We ran some lunchtime activities too. The Great Skittle Question was a hit with everyone! Our inquiry question was “Can you tell which colour of Skittle you are eating if you haven’t seen it first?”. We collected lots of data and 215 Skittles were tasted that day. It turns out that you can get the flavour right about half of the time (112 correct guesses, 103 incorrect guesses). We also have lots of data about the flavours that were guessed right most often, and whether or not boys or girls taste flavours more accurately (hint….it wasn’t boys!).

We also made some chemical compounds from lollies and toothpicks.  While far too dangerous outside of Science Week, we built and ate bleach and methane and carbon monoxide. 

We finished off the week with a lead-in to book week’s theme of “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds” by making Galaxy cookies with stars and planets on them.

The students who produced the best pages for our Science Week Book will be awarded prizes in Week 7. Their prizes are cool Science kits they can work with at home.

Thank you National Science Week! We had an amazing learning journey.

- Karina Darling, STEM Teacher

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