South Australian Science Teachers Association
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This scholarship is in memory of Helen Castle, a dedicated and enthusiastic science teacher who tragically died during the Eyre Peninsula bush fires in 2005. The Scholarship is designed to assist country science teachers attend the SASTA conference and gain professional development to assist themselves and other country teachers to maintain a high standard of science teaching within country areas.If you do not currently have access to a Supporting statement from the Principal please leave this field blank and email these details to as soon as possible.
The award is open to all teachers but preference will be given to those persons who hold SASTA Membership.
The teacher is currently teaching in a country school (‘country’ for the purpose of this scholarship is defined as being an area with a postcode greater than 5200).
The teacher is an inspiring and highly motivating teacher of science, who enthuses and engages students in scientific learning.
The teacher has difficulty attending professional development due to the distance of their school from Adelaide.If you are unable to provide a referee statement while completing this form please email this to