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Judging the Models & Inventions Category

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 08/06/2022

What is it like to be a judge in the Oliphant Science Awards? We met some previous judges and asked them why they think the Oliphants are important, why they judge and whether they had any hints or tips for entrants. Models & Inventions Category Sam Moyle (Brighton Secondary School)...

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Judging the Games Category

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 11/05/2022

What is it like to be a judge in the Oliphant Science Awards? We met some previous judges and asked them why they think the Oliphants are important, why they judge and whether they had any hints or tips for entrants. Games Category Anita Trenwith (Uni SA Connect Team: SASTA...

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Photography from a judge's perspective

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 15/04/2021

by Elizabeth Anderson, Mitcham Girls High School Over the years of involvement with the Photography section of the Oliphant Science Awards I have been lucky enough to have judged work from Years 2 through 12 and to have supported our own students produce some outstanding work.  It’s amazing the quality...

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How to win in the Games category from a Judge's perspective

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 25/03/2021

by Dagmar Preusker The Oliphant Science Awards attract a very high standard of entries as well as a large number from right across South Australia, this means that unfortunately there isn’t the time to play every game and check them all for scientific content so a process of shortlisting occurs...

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Programming, Apps & Robotics from a Judge's perspective

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 11/03/2021

by Glen Hutson Do you know what makes the Programming, Apps & Robotics category different to all the rest? It’s the interview! Most years I meet with students as they demonstrate and explain their creations. The Oliphant rules ask that you come and show us how it works and often...

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Science Writing from a Judge's perspective

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 25/02/2021

by Glen Hutson Every year I sit for several weeks in August, reading the Science Writing entries for the Oliphant Science Awards. I’m judging. I’m assessing your submissions. But why? Why is Science Writing even a thing? Is it even a thing and what is it that we judges are...

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