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Reflections from Retired Science Educators

Posted by SASTA

on 28/06/2024

Peter Walwyn Imagine walking into a classroom where the only AV equipment available was a blackboard and some white chalk, and the only method of producing printed notes for a class of 35 secondary school students was using a spirit duplicator. This was the scenario when I began my career...

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Science Active School - St Peter's Girls' School

Posted by SASTA

on 26/06/2024

St Peter's Girl's School became a Science Active School in 2024 for their commitment and dedication to Science Education, and their involvement with and support of SASTA.    SASTA Members Participating in the Oliphant Science Awards Staff volunteering to judge in the Oliphant Science Awards Staff member attendance at the SASTA...

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Australian students win Grand Awards at International Science and Engineering Fair

Posted by SASTA

on 24/06/2024

In May, this year, eleven Australian Year 9-12 students, with three teacher chaperones, travelled to Los Angeles to represent Australia at the Olympics of Science Fairs – the 2024 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). The eleven students from NSW, WA, NT and QLD, came back sharing their life-changing...

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2024 National Excellence in Teaching Awards

Posted by SASTA

on 21/06/2024

Nominations close Sunday 21 July. Recognising the Unseen Heroes Every day, dedicated educators tirelessly commit to their students, innovating and improving the ways in which we teach and learn. They often work quietly, with unwavering dedication, always focusing on enhancing educational experiences. We extend our deepest gratitude for your efforts...

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Get to know your board members!: Peter Turnbull (Treasurer)

Posted by SASTA

on 17/06/2024

Peter Turnbull School / Organisation: None- I am well retired!  In my career I taught Science at Modbury HS, The Heights School, Valley View SS, Open Access College, and Urrbrae AHS.  I was a Science Project and Curriculum officer with the education department for over 20 years, a role that...

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Water Literacy

Posted by SASTA

on 10/06/2024

We all know water is important and that’s reflected in the Australian Curriculum, with students learning about the water cycle, how waterways work and can be impacted by human intervention, and water scarcity and security. Something we talk about in the water industry though is water literacy. So, what is...

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Get to know your board members!: Dina Matheson (President)

Posted by SASTA

on 03/06/2024

Dina Matheson School / Organisation: Woodville High School  Current role: Science & Digital Technologies teacher, International Students Program Manager What inspired you to become a science teacher? While teaching was not my first career choice, once I got into it, I knew I needed to be a Science teacher. I've...

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