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Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 07/03/2024

We are excited to have Jackson as an OSA Ambassador for 2024. Jackson has participated in the Oliphant Science Awards since 2018 and is one of our most passionate Programming, Apps and Robotics entrants.

Get to know Jackson!

How did you first get involved in OSA?

I still remember it like it was yesterday, I was sitting down in a school assembly next to my best friend sitting through what seemed to be a boring assembly until something caught my attention. The science teacher came up onto the stage and was about to make what was for me, a life changing announcement. She said that SASTA (South Australian Science Teachers Association) is running a science competition for the 37th year in a row called ‘Oliphant Science Awards’ Also known as OSA. This is a statewide competition about, obviously, science. I had and still have a large love of science, I remember coming home from school and telling my dad about the competition, after looking into it, I decided, why not?


Why do you participate?

I ended up getting 2nd place that year for the oliphant science awards. What if I could get into finals 2 years in a row, so I competed once again and made an even better project, I competed the year after that and came 1st place, this has been a loop for the past 7 years, compete, get 1st or 2nd, compete again, come first or second again so on. I really enjoyed competing because each year I learnt something new, 1st year - what is Python, 2nd year - how gliding/aerodynamics work, 3rd year - doppler shift, 4th year - particle accelerator, 5th year - open cv, 6th year, pcb design and I have a lot to learn this year. I do not pretend to have mastered any of these things as I still have a lot to learn about all of this and that's the fun of it, once you learn something, there's more to learn.


What advice would you give to other OSA entrants?

If I were to give out any advice, it would be time management. One of the, if not the biggest problem I have when making a project is I can have a lack of time management. So make sure that when you're competing in Oliphant Science Awards, you are organised and manage your time well.


What is your favourite project that you have submitted?

Choosing a favourite Oliphant Science Awards project is really hard because they are all special to me in their own way. Line Defender was the first time I started programming, Wind Tunnel was my first project with the inclusion of aerodynamics, Doppler Shift Simulator was the first project were I actually started taking control of the programming and I also found the concept of doppler shift really interesting, Particle Accelerator Simulator was special because I also learnt a heap of extra interesting science behind it that I found interesting, A.A.M.L.S. was special because I could actually make a system that organisations like Nasa would need. This is doing what Neil Armstrong was doing in 1969 except doing it for him and finally I really like suborbital  sensors for space because I get to make something that will be sent to space. Even though they are all special to me, my absolute favourite was suborbital sensors for space because I have had the amazing opportunity to send something to space. This one also opened up a lot of opportunities for me and I got to do a lot of great things.


Our ambassadors will be at our 2024 Open Day at Science Alive! in August, where you will have the opportunity to meet them and talk all things science!