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Bringing Back the Bandicoots to Frank Smith

Posted by SASTA

on 25/09/2023

Coromandel Valley Primary School students and their science teacher Sarah Todd recently entered the Oliphant Science Awards Citizen Science category and won the primary years category! You can view their Citizen Science entry here. And you can track their journey through the process so far through some media articles below.  ...

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Science, Innovation and Empowerment: Saints Girls Illuminate National Science Week 2023

Posted by SASTA

on 11/09/2023

Inspired by Science Week, Saint Peter's Girls School was energised with scientific enthusiasm to explore, discover, and create, harnessing this year's theme, 'Innovation: Powering Future Industries.' From our youngest learners in mid-year reception to our seasoned senior school scientists, each student delved into hands-on activities, bringing to life the essence...

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