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The Science of Weather and Bushfires

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 22/07/2021

by Chris Sedunary and Belinda Dunbar, CFS The science of weather is called meteorology. At the Country Fire Service, during bushfire season we have a staff member from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) with us throughout the season. Meteorologists study the weather and try to forecast it. Forecasting the weather...

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Multimedia: the animation process

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 09/07/2021

by Asira Suetrong Are you thinking about using animation for your multimedia project? Asira provides insight into her process for animating her multimedia projects in the video below! If you're not sure where to start with your Multimedia project, check out Asira's first video which includes researching your idea and...

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Priyanka’s five tips for a successful Science Inquiry!

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 08/07/2021

by Priyanka Thavarajah  The first step to a successful Science Inquiry is the experiment itself. I have found that, especially in the higher years, doing an experiment around a current topic gives it purpose. Be creative with the set up to try and make the conditions as real as possible....

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A short guide to Science Writing

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 01/07/2021

by Anita Suetrong Not sure where to start on your Science Writing entry? Check out Anita's tips for creating your entry in the video below! While you have to choose one of the 2021 Science Writing titles for your project, you have the freedom to write in any genre you...

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