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Posted by SASTA

on 25/10/2024

Update: 25 October 2024

National Science Week was expanded to 'Science Term' at Coromandel Valley Primary School. Check out the update photos they've sent through below. 

Coro 2 

Year 2 Students designing signs - student artwork will be made into aluminium signage for the garden planted during National Science Week.

Coro 4

Coro 3    Coro 1  

Year 3/4 Students having agency with how they would like to take action and construct habitat boxes, then touring classes with a talk about how they are taking action

Coro 5

Environmental leaders using a hollow camera to view what is inside the bird box

26 August 2024

National Science Week at Coromandel Valley Primary School looked like...

Extra lunchtime activities – Minecraft Club: create a habitat, nature painting with watercolours, building minibeasts, planting local natives and an escape room in the library.

We partnered with the Biological Society of South Australia (BSSA) and the Friends of Frank Smith Park to provide an after-school community event, identifying native bird species in our area. Students used binoculars, Green Adelaide identification sheets and made predictions about what birds might be living in the area. The bird specialists from BSSA informed students how they could care for these species and what changes they could make at home and at school to ensure their survival.

We had an inclusive ramp installed last year at Coromandel Valley Primary School, and as a result, vegetation was removed. A National Science Week grant was awarded to our school and all students in Reception to Year 2 (and their buddy classes) planted a South Australian native plant, to bring back biodiversity to the school. 

Coromandel Valley PS 3 Coromandel Valley PS 1

We have had some wonderful feedback so far! Excited and engaged students are showing their parents which plant they put in the garden, and taking ownership and action to care for the new plants. 

Later this term we plan to design and print interpretive signage for the garden, and students will construct habitat boxes to place around the school and install within our neighbouring reserve, Frank Smith Park (to ensure local species survival).

It is amazing to see and hear how young people are involved in caring for the environment. These individuals are the change makers of tomorrow!

Sarah Todd, Science Specialist Teacher
Coromandel Valley Primary School